Coming soon... project8

As what it is la bahbahbah!@#$%^&*()___)(*&^%$####@@@!@#$%^&*
Scratch that...


Okay... This one man Articina team is not enough, he's making another one called project8.
Articina will be focusing on designing stuff and such (Being lazy here), while project8 will do the dirty work like photography, game making (code), website coding (anything as long as it is not related to design) and other crappy no pay guy will ever get.

Summery, Articina will do the high class job of designing anything that is 2D-3D while project8 will handle the other crap work. (Nice going one man team...)

A flooded basement


A flooded carpark basement. Heh, it's only 5 centimeters high...

Random Crap (Jan) Plus


Thought it up from a iPhone game.

Finishing up Project Management website....

Bored today, doing another website for my group project.

The blog or rather "website", is running on a actual copy of Kyuro Shinki except it is used as a website, not a blog so it's kind of fun to play around with the possibilities of that Camaria 4.0 which is still in development.... and my deadline is around the conner... Sigh..

Random Crap (Jan)

5 Points for correct guessing of the character above

Drew some random stuff... bored that is.

It's 2011! Happy new year!!!

HOLY OMG IT'S NEW YEAR!!!!!!11!!111!

The last photo of 2010 being posted on my blog. =3 Cheers~