Short day

Today is a short day for me as there's no damn afternoon program; I study best early in the morning, not afternoon. Come back home shower, do my homework, tweak with my CSS which it got really mess up, making new header and footer (as you can see) and lastly, PSP time. Never know that old games are the best.

Right now I'm blogging(not allowed to) and finalising my CSS which I'm gonna export it on this Saturday, yes it's light yet simple yet stable yet powerful yet practical. LOLOLOL.
Exporting version 3.5 into development stage while 3.2 is gonna be out finalised. =3

Version 3.9 in the lab will be the future Code 4, something which you guys might not able to guess it. Stopping here and have a nice day/nite. =D

BTW if you hate waiting, is the spot you can read on and download it.