Oh great...

It seems that China blocks a lot of popular websites including this blog... Dang and I wanted to use blogger to post my diary. No Youtube, no blogger, no Facbook (Duh) and other stuff. Now watching for the ban status from different monitoring websites.

*I am not responsible for external links that may cause any form of damage or responsibility that may arise. The links are purely for informational and education uses only.

*Edit 1: Seems that "blogger.com" is not blocked BUT "x.blogspot.com" domain is. Oh the irony...

*Edit 2: I wanted to give up hope of VPN as China blocks some populat VPN based on my sources, but my friend said he know someone that is using a VPN without issues. Don't know what VPN client he is using but there's hope. Hehe.. (27/4/2011)

This article is frequently updated. Stay tune.