Game development: Going well but...

To some it's "what is that?" post but to me it's important.
For frequent readers, I have "made" games and it's either not completed or canceled.

Now in development, Pathline 0.0.3

Party quest (Where did I hear that from?)
Custom menu that adapt to quest/event changes
Enhanced color map thanks to Photoshop
Level overdrive (Can level up to 500!)
Enhanced map (No more crappy maps)
Better database (Reorganized old, create new items)

More to come...

Details: Project Hina Mira
Game name: Pathline
Game database core: Camaria 8

Where's the game?
You can request the game by E-mailing me. I will send you the game when possible.

*Now working on the game as quietly as possible...
Reason for not putting on file hosting is variance of the completion of the game and the image resources is HUGE.

File size (Est): 70MB
Click read more for latest updates

Another edit 13-6-2010
version 0.0.4, revamp classes and character growth, similar to MMORPG games.
version 0.0.4x Major change, dump all maps for "story"-like game. Better monster spawning.

If everything is on track, should be done by November 2010.